Remote Service Admin

Pelix/iPOPO now includes an implementation of the Remote Service Admin OSGi specification. It has been contributed by Scott Lewis, leader of the Eclipse Communication Framework project.

This feature can be use to let multiple iPOPO and OSGi frameworks share their services. Note that Java is not mandatory when used only between iPOPO frameworks.


This is a brand new feature, which might still contain some bugs and might not work with all versions of Python (especially 2.7).

As always, feedback is welcome: don’t hesitate to report bugs on GitHub.

Package description

The implementation of Remote Service Admin is provided by the pelix.rsa package, which is organized as follows (all names must be prefixed by pelix.rsa):

Module / Package Description
edef Definition of the EDEF XML endpoint description format
endpointdescription EndpointDescription beans
remoteserviceadmin Core implementation of RSA
shell Shell commands to control/debug RSA
providers.discovery Package of discovery providers
providers.distribution Package of transport providers
topologymanagers.basic Basic implementation of a Topology Manager

Providers included with Pelix/iPOPO

iPOPO includes some discovery and transport providers. More of them will be added in future releases.

etcd Discovery


This discovery provider uses etcd as a store of descriptions of endpoints. It depends on the python-etcd third-party package.

This discovery provider is instantiated immediately as the bundle is started. The instance configuration must therefore be given as Framework properties. Another solution is to kill the etcd-endpoint-discovery component and restart it with custom properties.

This provider can be configured with the following properties:

Property Default value Description
etcd.hostname localhost Address of the etcd server
etcd.port 2379 Port of the etcd server
etcd.toppath /org.eclipse.ecf.provider.etcd.EtcdDiscoveryContainer Path in etcd where to store endpoints
etcd.sessionttl 30 Session Time To Live

XML-RPC Distribution

Requires:HTTP Service
Libraries:nothing (based on the Python Standard Library)

The XML-RPC distribution is the recommended provider for inter-Python communications. Note that it also supports communications between Python and Java applications. Its main advantage is that is doesn’t depend on an external library, XML-RPC being supported by the Python Standard Library.

All components of this provider are automatically instantiated when the bundle starts. They can be configured using framework properties or by killing and restarting its components with custom properties.

Property Default value Description
ecf.xmlrpc.server.hostname localhost Hostname of the HTTP server (None for auto-detection)
ecf.xmlrpc.server.path /xml-rpc Path to use in the HTTP server
ecf.xmlrpc.server.timeout 30 XML-RPC requests timeout

Other properties are available but not presented here as they describe constants used to mimic the Java side configuration.

A sample usage of this provider can be found in the tutorial section: RSA Remote Services using XmlRpc transport.

Py4J Distribution

Requires:HTTP Service
Libraries:py4j, osgiservicebridge


This provider works only in Python 3

This provider allows to discover and share a Python service with its Py4J gateway and vice versa.

It can be configured with the following properties:

Property Default value Description
ecf.py4j.javaport 25333 Port of the Java proxy
ecf.py4j.pythonport 25334 Port of the Python proxy
ecf.py4j.defaultservicetimeout 30 Timeout before gateway timeout

A sample usage of this provider can be found in the tutorial section: RSA Remote Services between Python and Java.