Release Notes

iPOPO 0.8.0

Release Date:2018-08-19


  • Version bump to 0.8 as the addition of Remote Service Admin is a big step forward.
  • Fixed unit tests for pelix.threadpool
  • Added a word about Python 3.7 dataclasses in the iPOPO reference card
  • All the source code has been reformatted with black (black -l 80 pelix)

Remote Services

  • Added the implementation of Remote Service Admin OSGi specification, contributed by Scott Lewis (@scottslewis). This is a major feature which intends to be used instead of Pelix Remote Services. The latter will be kept for retro-compatibility reasons.

iPOPO 0.7.1

Release Date:2018-06-16


  • Added a CONTRIBUTING description file to describe the code style
  • The zeroconf dependency is now forced to version 0.19, to stay compatible with Python 2.7
  • Changed them in the documentation (back to standard ReadTheDocs theme)
  • Added some reference cards in the documentation: initial configuration file, shell, shell report


  • Aded support for Event Listeners Hooks. See pull request #88 for more details.
  • Fixed Framework.delete() when framework was already stopped.


  • Added @ValidateComponent and @InvalidateComponent decorators. They allow to define callback methods for component in/validation with access to component context and properties (read-only). @Validate and @Invalidate decorators are now simple aliases to those decorators.
  • Checked behaviour with data classes, introduced in Python 3.7: all seems to work perfectly. See issue 89 for more details.


  • New shell completion system: completion is now extensible and can work with both commands and arguments. This system relies on readline.
  • Added a TLS version of the shell. Its usage and the generation of certificates are described in the Pelix Shell reference card in the documentation.
  • ShellSession.write_line() can now be called without argument (prints an empty line)


  • Fixed the access bug to the Python LogRecord message in the Log Service

iPOPO 0.7.0

Release Date:2017-12-30


  • Removed Python 2.6 compatibility code
  • New version of the logo, with SVG sources in the repository
  • Added some tests for install_package()


  • When a bundle is stopped, the framework now automatically releases the services it consumed. This was required to avoid stale references when using (prototype) service factories. WARNING: this can lead to issues if you were using stale references to pass information from one bundle version to another (which is bad).
  • Added support for Prototype Service Factories, which were missing from issue Service Factories (#75).
  • Handle deprecation of the imp module (see #85)
  • Added a delete() method to the Framework class. The FrameworkFactory class can now be fully avoided by developers.

iPOPO 0.6.5

Release Date:2017-09-17


  • Project documentation migrated to Read The Docs as the previous documentation server crashed. All references to the previous server ( have been removed.
  • The documentation is being completely rewritten while it is converted from Dokuwiki to Sphinx.
  • Removed Pypy 3 from Travis-CI/Tox tests, as it is not compatible with pip.


  • The import path normalization now ensures that the full path of the initial working directory is stored in the path, and that the current working directory marker (empty string) is kept as the first entry of the Python path.
  • Merged pull request #65, to ignore import errors when normalizing the Python path.
  • Merged pull request #68, correcting the behaviour of the thread pool.


  • The @Validate method of components is now always called after the bundle activator has returned. (#66)
  • Added a get_instance(name) method to access to the component instance object by its name. (#74)


  • Added some utility methods to HttpServletRequest:
    • get_command(): get the HTTP command of the request
    • get_prefix_path(): get the servlet prefix path
    • get_sub_path(): get the part of the path corresponding to the servlet (i.e. without the prefix path)
  • get_servlet() now returns the servlet prefix along with the servlet and the server parameters.
  • Added a pelix.https service property and an is_https() service method to indicate that the server uses HTTPS.
  • Added a utility module, pelix.http.routing, which eases the routing of HTTP requests with decorators like @Http, @HttpGet
  • Merged pull request #70, avoiding remote HTTP servlets to be used by the local HTTP server.

Remote Services

  • JSON-RPC and XML-RPC transports providers now support HTTPS.
  • Added a Redis-based discovery provider, working with all HTTP-based transport providers.


  • Added the Configuration Handler, which allows to give a JSON file to set the initial configuration of a framework: properties, bundles, instances, …

iPOPO 0.6.4

Release Date:2016-06-12


  • Added @RequiresVariableFilter, which works like @Requires but also supports the use of component properties as variables in LDAP filter.
  • Added @HiddenProperty, which extends @Property, but ensures that the property key and value won’t be seen in the description API nor in the shell. (it will stay visible using the standard reflection API of Python)

HTTP Service

  • The HTTP basic component now support HTTPS. It is activated when given two files (a certificate and a key) in its component properties. A password can also be given if the key file is encrypted. This is a prototype feature and should be used carefully. Also, it should not be used with remote services.


  • A new log service has been added to this version, though the pelix.misc.log bundle. It provides the OSGi API to log traces, but also keeps track of the traces written with the logging module. The log entries can be accessed locally (but not through remote services). They can be printed in the shell using commands provided by

iPOPO 0.6.3

Release Date:2015-10-23


  • iPOPO now has a logo ! (thanks to @debbabi)
  • README file has been rewritten
  • Better PEP-8 compliance
  • Updated jsonrpclib-pelix requirement version to 0.2.6


  • Optimization of the service registry (less dictionaries, use of sets, …)
  • Added the hide_bundle_services() to the service registry. It is by the framework to hide the services of a stopping bundle from get_service_reference methods, and before those services will be unregistered.
  • Removed the deprecated ServiceEvent.get_type() method


  • Optimization of StoredInstance (handlers, use of sets, …)

HTTP Service

  • Added a is_header_set() method to the HTTPServletResponse bean.
  • Response headers are now sent on end_headers(), not on set_header(), to avoid duplicate headers.
  • The request queue size of the basic HTTP server can now be set as a component property (pelix.http.request_queue_size)

Remote Services

  • Added support for keyword arguments in most of remote services transports (all except XML-RPC)
  • Added support for pelix.remote.export.only and pelix.remote.export.none service properties. pelix.remote.export.only tells the exporter to export the given specifications only, while pelix.remote.export.none forbids the export of the service.


  • The module can now be run as a main script
  • Added the report shell command
  • Added the name of varargs in the signature of commands
  • Corrected the signature shown in the help description for static methods
  • Corrected the thread and threads shell commands for Pypy


  • Updated the MQTT client to follow the new API of Eclipse Paho MQTT Client


  • Travis-CI: Added Python 3.5 and Pypy3 targets
  • Better configuration of coverage
  • Added tests for the remote shell
  • Added tests for the MQTT client and for MQTT-RPC

iPOPO 0.6.2

Release Date:2015-06-17


  • The properties of a component can be updated when calling the retry_erroneous() method. This allows to modify the configuration of a component before trying to validate it again (HTTP port, …).
  • The get_instance_details() dictionary now always contains a filter entry for each of the component requirement description, even if not filter has been set.

HTTP Service

  • Protection of the ServletRequest.read_data() method against empty or invalid Content-Length headers


  • The ipopo.retry shell command accepts properties to be reconfigure the instance before trying to validate it again.
  • The bundle commands (start, stop, update, uninstall) now print the name of the bundle along with its ID.
  • The threads and threads shell commands now accept a stack depth limit argument.

iPOPO 0.6.1

Release Date:2015-04-20


  • The stack trace of the exception that caused a component to be in the ERRONEOUS state is now kept, as a string. It can be seen through the instance shell command.


  • The command parser has been separated from the shell core service. This allows to create custom shells without giving access to Pelix administration commands.
  • Added cd and pwd shell commands, which allow changing the working directory of the framework and printing the current one.
  • Corrected the encoding of the shell output string, to avoid exceptions when printing special characters.

Remote Services

  • Corrected a bug where an imported service with the same endpoint name as an exported service could be exported after the unregistration of the latter.

iPOPO 0.6.0

Release Date:2015-03-12


  • The support of Python 2.6 has been removed


  • The XMPP bot class now supports anonymous connections using SSL or StartTLS. This is a workaround for issue 351 of SleekXMPP.

iPOPO 0.5.9

Release Date:2015-02-18


  • iPOPO now works with IronPython (tested inside Unity 3D)


  • Components raising an error during validation goes in the ERRONEOUS state, instead of going back to INVALID. This avoids trying to validate them automatically.
  • The retry_erroneous() method of the iPOPO service and the retry shell command allows to retry the validation of an ERRONEOUS component.
  • The @SingletonFactory decorator can replace the @ComponentFactory one. It ensures that only one component of this factory can be instantiated at a time.
  • The @Temporal requirement decorator allows to require a service and to wait a given amount of time for its replacement before invalidating the component or while using the requirement.
  • @RequiresBest ensures that it is always the service with the best ranking that is injected in the component.
  • The @PostRegistration and @PreUnregistration callbacks allows the component to be notified right after one of its services has been registered or will be unregistered.

HTTP Service

  • The generated 404 page shows the list of registered servlets paths.
  • The 404 and 500 error pages can be customized by a hook service.
  • The default binding address is back to “” instead of “localhost” (for those who used the development version).


  • The ThreadPool class is now a cached thread pool. It now has a minimum and maximum number of threads: only the required threads are alive. A thread waits for a task during 60 seconds (by default) before stopping.

iPOPO 0.5.8

Release Date:2014-10-13


  • FrameworkFactory.delete_framework() can be called with None or without argument. This simplifies the clean up afters tests, etc.
  • The list returned by Framework.get_bundles() is always sorted by bundle ID.


  • Added the immediate_rebind option to the @Requires decorator. This indicates iPOPO to not invalidate then re-validate a component if a service can replace an unbound required one. This option only applies to non-optional, non-aggregate requirements.


  • The I/O handler is now part of a ShellSession bean. The latter has the same API as the I/O handler so there is no need to update existing commands. I/O Handler write methods are now synchronized.
  • The shell supports variables as arguments, e.g. echo $var. See string.Template for more information. The Template used in Pelix Shell allows . (dot) in names.
  • A special variable $? stores the result of the last command which returned a result, i.e. anything but None or False.
  • Added set and unset commands to work with variables
  • Added the run command to execute a script file.
  • Added protection against AttributeError in threads and thread

iPOPO 0.5.7

Release Date:2014-09-18


  • Code review to be more PEP-8 compliant
  • jsonrpclib-pelix is now an install requirement (instead of an optional one)


  • Forget about previous global members when calling Bundle.update(). This ensures to have a fresh dictionary of members after a bundle update
  • Removed from pelix.constants import * in pelix.framework: only use pelix.constants to access constants

Remote Services

  • Added support for endpoint name reuse
  • Added support for synonyms: specifications that can be used on the remote side, or which describe a specification of another language (e.g. a Java interface)
  • Added support for a pelix.remote.export.reject service property: the specifications it contains won’t be exported, event if indicated in service.exported.interfaces.
    • Use the common dispatch() method, like JSON-RPC
  • MQTT(-RPC):
    • Explicitly stop the reading loop when the MQTT client is disconnecting
    • Handle unknown correlation ID


  • Added a loglevel shell command, to update the log level of any logger
  • Added a --verbose argument to the shell console script
  • Remote shell module can be ran as a script

HTTP Service

  • Remove double-slashes when looking for a servlet


  • Added base classes to write a XMPP client based on SleekXMPP
  • Added a XMPP shell interface, to control Pelix/iPOPO from XMPP


  • Added an IPv6 utility module, to setup double-stack and to avoids missing constants bugs in Windows versions of Python
  • Added a EventData class: it acts like Event, but it allows to store a data when setting the event, or to raise an exception in all callers of wait()
  • Added a CountdownEvent class, an Event which is set until a given number of calls to step() is reached
  • threading.Future class now supports a callback methods, to avoid to actively wait for a result.

iPOPO 0.5.6

Release Date:2014-04-28


  • Added samples to the project repository
  • Removed the static website from the repository
  • Added the project to Coveralls
  • Increased code coverage


  • Added a @BundleActivator decorator, to define the bundle activator class. The activator module variable should be replaced by this decorator.
  • Renamed specifications constants: from XXX_SPEC to SERVICE_XXX


  • Added a waiting list service: instantiates components as soon as the iPOPO service and the component factory are registered
  • Added @RequiresMap handler
  • Added an if_valid parameter to binding callbacks decorators: @Bind, @Update, @Unbind, @BindField, @UpdateField, @UnbindField. The decorated method will be called if and only if the component valid.
  • The get_factory_context() from decorators becomes public to ease the implementation of new decorators

Remote Services

  • Large rewriting of Remote Service core modules
    • Now using OSGi Remote Services properties
    • Added support for the OSGi EDEF file format (XML)
  • Added an abstract class to easily write RPC implementations

  • Added mDNS service discovery

  • Added an MQTT discovery protocol

  • Added an MQTT-RPC protocol, based on Node.js MQTT-RPC module

  • Added a Jabsorb-RPC transport. Pelix can now use Java services and vice-versa, using:


  • Enhanced completion with readline
  • Enhanced commands help generation
  • Added arguments to filter the output of bl, sl, factories and instances
  • Corrected prompt when using readline
  • Corrected write_lines() when not giving format arguments
  • Added an echo command, to test string parsing


  • Added support for managed service factories in ConfigurationAdmin
  • Added an EventAdmin-MQTT bridge: events from EventAdmin with an event.propagate property are published over MQTT
  • Added an early version of an MQTT Client Factory service


  • Added a misc package, with utility modules and bundles:
    • eventadmin_printer: an EventAdmin handler that prints or logs the events it receives
    • jabsorb: converts dictionary from and to the Jabsorb-RPC format
    • mqtt_client: a wrapper for the Paho MQTT client, used in MQTT discovery and MQTT-RPC.

iPOPO 0.5.5

Release Date:2013-11-15


The license of the iPOPO project is now the Apache Software License 2.0.


  • get_*_service_reference*() methods have a default LDAP filter set to None. Only the service specification is required, event if set to None.
  • Added a context use_service(context, svc_ref), that allows to consume a service in a with block.


  • Added the Handler Factory pattern: all instance handlers are created by their factory, called by iPOPO according to the handler IDs found in the factory context. This will simplify the creation of new handlers.


  • Added the ConfigurationAdmin service
  • Added the FileInstall service

iPOPO 0.5.4

Release Date:2013-10-01


  • Global speedup replacing list.append() by bisect.insort().
  • Optimizations in handling services, components and LDAP filters.
  • Some classes of Pelix framework and iPOPO core modules extracted to new modules.
  • Fixed support of Python 2.6.
  • Replaced Python 3 imports conditions by try-except blocks.


  • @Requires accepts only one specification
  • Added a context use_ipopo(bundle_context), to simplify the usage of the iPOPO service, using the keyword with.
  • get_factory_details(name) method now also returns the ID of the bundle provided the component factory, and the component instance properties.
  • Protection of the unregistration of factories, as a component can kill another one of the factory during its invalidation.

Remote Services

  • Protection of the unregistration loop during the invalidation of JSON-RPC and XML-RPC exporters.
  • The Dispatcher Servlet now handles the discovered part of the discovery process. This simplifies the Multicast Discovery component and suppresses a socket bug/feature on BSD (including Mac OS).


  • The help command now uses the inspect module to list the required and optional parameters.
  • IOHandler now has a prompt() method to ask the user to enter a line. It replaces the read() method, which was to buggy.
  • The make_table() method now accepts generators as parameters.
  • Remote commands handling removed: get_methods_names() is not used anymore.

iPOPO 0.5.3

Release Date:2013-08-01


  • New get_factory_details(name) method in the iPOPO service, acting like get_instance_details(name) but for factories. It returns a dictionary describing the given factory.
  • New factory shell command, which describes a component factory: properties, requirements, provided services, …

HTTP Service

  • Servlet exceptions are now both sent to the client and logged locally

Remote Services

  • Data read from the servlets or sockets are now properly converted from bytes to string before being parsed (Python 3 compatibility).


  • Exceptions are now printed using str(ex) instead of ex.message (Python 3 compatibility).
  • The shell output is now flushed, both by the shell I/O handler and the text console. The remote console was already flushing its output. This allows to run the Pelix shell correctly inside Eclipse.

iPOPO 0.5.2

Release Date:2013-07-19


  • An error is now logged if a class is manipulated twice. Decorators executed after the first manipulation, i.e. upon @ComponentFactory(), are ignored.
  • Better handling of inherited and overridden methods: a decorated method can now be overridden in a child class, with the name, without warnings.
  • Better error logs, with indication of the error source file and line

HTTP Service

  • New servlet binding parameters:
    • Name of HTTP service. The name of component instance in the case of the basic implementation.
    • http.extra: Extra properties of the HTTP service. In the basic implementation, this the content of the http.extra property of the HTTP server component
  • New method accept_binding(path, params) in servlets. This allows to refuse the binding with a server before to test the availability of the registration path, thus to avoid raising a meaningless exception.

Remote Services

  • End points are stored according to their framework
  • Added a method lost_framework(uid) in the registry of imported services, which unregisters all the services provided by the given framework.


  • Shell help command now accepts a command name to print a specific documentation

iPOPO 0.5.1

Release Date:2013-07-05


  • Bundle.update() now logs the SyntaxError exception that be raised in Python 3.

HTTP Service

  • The HTTP service now supports the update of servlet services properties. A servlet service can now update its registration path property after having been bound to a HTTP service.
  • A 500 server error page containing an exception trace is now generated when a servlet fails.
  • The bound_to() method of a servlet is called only after the HTTP service is ready to accept clients.


  • The remote shell now provides a service,, with a get_access() method that returns the (host, port) tuple where the remote shell is waiting for clients.
  • Fixed the threads command that wasn’t working on Python 3.

iPOPO 0.5

Release Date:2013-05-21


  • BundleContext.install_bundle() now returns the Bundle object instead of the bundle ID. BundleContext.get_bundle() has been updated to accept both IDs and Bundle objects in order to keep a bit of compatibility
  • Framework.get_symbolic_name() now returns pelix.framework instead of org.psem2m.pelix
  • ServiceEvent.get_type() is renamed get_kind(). The other name is still available but is declared deprecated (a warning is logged on its first use).
  • BundleContext.install_visiting(path, visitor): visits the given path and installs the found modules if the visitor accepts them
  • BundleContext.install_package(path) (experimental):
    • Installs all the modules found in the package at the given path
    • Based on install_visiting()


  • Components with a pelix.ipopo.auto_restart property set to True are automatically re-instantiated after their bundle has been updated.


  • Remote Services: use services of a distant Pelix instance
    • Multicast discovery
    • XML-RPC transport (not fully usable)
    • JSON-RPC transport (based on a patched version of jsonrpclib)
  • EventAdmin: send events (a)synchronously


  • Shell command methods now take an IOHandler object in parameter instead of input and output file-like streams. This hides the compatibility tricks between Python 2 and 3 and simplifies the output formatting.

iPOPO 0.4

Release Date:2012-11-21


  • New create_framework() utility method
  • The framework has been refactored, allowing more efficient services and events handling


  • A component can provide multiple services
  • A service controller can be injected for each provided service, to activate or deactivate its registration
  • Dependency injection and service providing mechanisms have been refactored, using a basic handler concept.


  • Added a HTTP service component, using the concept of servlet
  • Added an extensible shell, interactive and remote, simplifying the usage of a framework instance

iPOPO 0.3

Release Date:2012-04-13

Packages have been renamed. As the project goes public, it may not have relations to isandlaTech projects anymore.

Previous name New name
psem2m pelix
psem2m.service.pelix pelix.framework
psem2m.component pelix.ipopo
psem2m.component.ipopo pelix.ipopo.core

iPOPO 0.2

Release Date:2012-02-07

Version 0.2 is the first public release of the project, under the terms of the GPLv3 license.

iPOPO 0.1

Release Date:2012-01-20

The first version of the Pelix framework, with packages still named after the python.injection and PSEM2M (now named Cohorte) projects by isandlaTech (now named Cohorte Technologies).

Back then, Pelix (bundles and services) was the most advanced part of the project, iPOPO was only an extension of it to handle basic components.


Release Date:2011-12-20

The proof-of-concept package trying to mimic the iPOJO framework in Python 2.6. It only supported basic injections described by decorators.