iPOPO in 10 minutes¶
Authors: | Shadi Abras, Thomas Calmant |
This tutorial presents how to use the iPOPO framework and its associated service-oriented component model. The concepts of the service-oriented component model are introduced, followed by a simple example that demonstrates the features of iPOPO. This framework uses decorators to describe components.
iPOPO aims to simplify service-oriented programming on OSGi frameworks in Python language; the name iPOPO is an abbreviation for injected POPO, where POPO would stand for Plain Old Python Object. The name is in fact a simple modification of the Apache iPOJO project, which stands for injected Plain Old Java Object
iPOPO provides a new way to develop OSGi/iPOJO-like service components in Python, simplifying service component implementation by transparently managing the dynamics of the environment as well as other non-functional requirements. The iPOPO framework allows developers to more clearly separate functional code (i.e. POPOs) from the non-functional code (i.e. dependency management, service provision, configuration, etc.). At run time, iPOPO combines the functional and non-functional aspects. To achieve this, iPOPO provides a simple and extensible service component model based on POPOs.
Basic concepts¶
iPOPO is separated into two parts:
- Pelix, the underlying bundle and service registry
- iPOPO, the service-oriented component framework
It also defines three major concepts:
- A bundle is a single Python module, i.e. a
file, that is loaded using the Pelix API. - A service is a Python object that is registered to service registry using the Pelix API, associated to a set of specifications and to a dictionary of properties.
- A component is an instance of component factory, i.e. a class manipulated by iPOPO decorators. Those decorators injects information into the class that are later used by iPOPO to manage the components. Components are defined inside bundles.
Simple example¶
In this tutorial we will present how to:
- Publish a service
- Require a service
- Use lifecycle callbacks to activate and deactivate components
Presentation of the Spell application¶
To illustrate some of iPOPO features, we will implement a very simple application. Three bundles compose this application:
- A bundle that defines a component implementing a dictionary service (an English and a French dictionaries).
- One with a component requiring the dictionary service and providing a spell checker service.
- One that defines a component requiring the spell checker and providing a user line interface.
The spell dictionary components provide the spell_dictionary_service
The spell checker provides a spell_checker_service
Preparing the tutorial¶
The example contains several bundles:
- spell_dictionary_EN.py defines a component that implements the Dictionary service, containing some English words.
- spell_dictionary_FR.py defines a component that implements the Dictionary service, containing some French words.
- spell_checker.py contains an implementation of a Spell Checker. The spell checker requires a dictionary service and checks if an input passage is correct, according to the words contained in the wished dictionary.
- spell_client.py provides commands for the Pelix shell service. This component uses a spell checker service. The user can interact with the spell checker with this command line interface.
Finally, a main_pelix_launcher.py script starts the Pelix framework. It is not considered as a bundle as it is not loaded by the framework, but it can control the latter.
The English dictionary bundle: Providing a service¶
The spell_dictionary_EN
bundle is a simple implementation of the Dictionary
service. It contains few English words.
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This bundle provides a component that is a simple implementation of the
Dictionary service. It contains some English words.
# iPOPO decorators
from pelix.ipopo.decorators import ComponentFactory, Property, Provides, \
Validate, Invalidate, Instantiate
# Name the iPOPO component factory
# This component provides a dictionary service
# It is the English dictionary
@Property("_language", "language", "EN")
# Automatically instantiate a component when this factory is loaded
class SpellDictionary(object):
Implementation of a spell dictionary, for English language.
def __init__(self):
Declares members, to respect PEP-8.
self.dictionary = None
def validate(self, context):
The component is validated. This method is called right before the
provided service is registered to the framework.
# All setup should be done here
self.dictionary = {"hello", "world", "welcome", "to", "the", "ipopo",
print('An English dictionary has been added')
def invalidate(self, context):
The component has been invalidated. This method is called right after
the provided service has been removed from the framework.
self.dictionary = None
def check_word(self, word):
Determines if the given word is contained in the dictionary.
@param word the word to be checked.
@return True if the word is in the dictionary, False otherwise.
word = word.lower().strip()
return not word or word in self.dictionary
- The
decorator is used to declare an iPOPO component. It must always be on top of other decorators. - The
decorator indicates that the component provides a service. - The
decorator instructs iPOPO to automatically create an instance of our component. The relation between components and instances is the same than between classes and objects in the object-oriented programming. - The
decorator indicates the properties associated to this component and to its services (e.g. French or English language). - The method decorated with
will be called when the instance becomes valid. - The method decorated with
will be called when the instance becomes invalid (e.g. when one its dependencies goes away) or is stopped.
For more information about decorators, see :ref:refcard_decorators.
The French dictionary bundle: Providing a service¶
The spell_dictionary_FR
bundle is a similar to the spell_dictionary_EN
one. It only differs in the language
component property, as it checks some
French words declared during component validation.
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This bundle provides a component that is a simple implementation of the
Dictionary service. It contains some French words.
# iPOPO decorators
from pelix.ipopo.decorators import ComponentFactory, Property, Provides, \
Validate, Invalidate, Instantiate
# Name the iPOPO component factory
# This component provides a dictionary service
# It is the French dictionary
@Property("_language", "language", "FR")
# Automatically instantiate a component when this factory is loaded
class SpellDictionary(object):
Implementation of a spell dictionary, for French language.
def __init__(self):
Declares members, to respect PEP-8.
self.dictionary = None
def validate(self, context):
The component is validated. This method is called right before the
provided service is registered to the framework.
# All setup should be done here
self.dictionary = {"bonjour", "le", "monde", "au", "a", "ipopo",
print('A French dictionary has been added')
def invalidate(self, context):
The component has been invalidated. This method is called right after
the provided service has been removed from the framework.
self.dictionary = None
def check_word(self, word):
Determines if the given word is contained in the dictionary.
@param word the word to be checked.
@return True if the word is in the dictionary, False otherwise.
word = word.lower().strip()
return not word or word in self.dictionary
It is important to note that the iPOPO factory name must be unique in a framework: only the first one to be registered with a given name will be taken into account. The name of component instances follows the same rule.
The spell checker bundle: Requiring a service¶
The spell_checker
bundle aims to provide a spell checker service.
However, to serve this service, this implementation requires a dictionary
During this step, we will create an iPOPO component requiring a Dictionary
service and providing the Spell Checker service.
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The spell_checker component uses the dictionary services to check the spell of
a given text.
# iPOPO decorators
from pelix.ipopo.decorators import ComponentFactory, Provides, \
Validate, Invalidate, Requires, Instantiate, BindField, UnbindField
# Standard library
import re
# Name the component factory
# Provide a Spell Checker service
# Consume all Spell Dictionary services available (aggregate them)
@Requires("_spell_dictionaries", "spell_dictionary_service", aggregate=True)
# Automatic instantiation
class SpellChecker(object):
A component that uses spell dictionary services to check the spelling of
given texts.
def __init__(self):
Define class members
# the spell dictionary service, injected list
self._spell_dictionaries = []
# the list of available dictionaries, constructed
self.languages = {}
# list of some punctuation marks could be found in the given passage,
# internal
self.punctuation_marks = None
def bind_dict(self, field, service, svc_ref):
Called by iPOPO when a spell dictionary service is bound to this
# Extract the dictionary language from its properties
language = svc_ref.get_property('language')
# Store the service according to its language
self.languages[language] = service
def unbind_dict(self, field, service, svc_ref):
Called by iPOPO when a dictionary service has gone away
# Extract the dictionary language from its properties
language = svc_ref.get_property('language')
# Remove it from the computed storage
# The injected list of services is updated by iPOPO
del self.languages[language]
def validate(self, context):
This spell checker has been validated, i.e. at least one dictionary
service has been bound.
# Set up internal members
self.punctuation_marks = {',', ';', '.', '?', '!', ':', ' '}
print('A spell checker has been started')
def invalidate(self, context):
The component has been invalidated
self.punctuation_marks = None
print('A spell checker has been stopped')
def check(self, passage, language="EN"):
Checks the given passage for misspelled words.
:param passage: the passage to spell check.
:param language: language of the spell dictionary to use
:return: An array of misspelled words or null if no words are misspelled
:raise KeyError: No dictionary for this language
# list of words to be checked in the given passage
# without the punctuation marks
checked_list = re.split("([!,?.:; ])", passage)
# Get the dictionary corresponding to the requested language
dictionary = self.languages[language]
except KeyError:
# Not found
raise KeyError('Unknown language: {0}'.format(language))
# Do the job, calling the found service
return [word for word in checked_list
if word not in self.punctuation_marks
and not dictionary.check_word(word)]
- The
decorator specifies a service dependency. This required service is injected in a local variable in this bundle. Itsaggregate
attribute tells iPOPO to collect the list of services providing the required specification, instead of the first one. - The
decorator indicates that a new required service bounded to the platform. - The
decorator indicates that one of required service has gone away.
The spell client bundle¶
The spell_client
bundle contains a very simple user interface allowing a
user to interact with a spell checker service.
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This bundle defines a component that consumes a spell checker.
It provides a shell command service, registering a "spell" command that can be
used in the shell of Pelix.
It uses a dictionary service to check for the proper spelling of a word by check
for its existence in the dictionary.
# iPOPO decorators
from pelix.ipopo.decorators import ComponentFactory, Provides, \
Validate, Invalidate, Requires, Instantiate
# Specification of a command service for the Pelix shell
from pelix.shell import SHELL_COMMAND_SPEC
# Name the component factory
# Consume a single Spell Checker service
@Requires("_spell_checker", "spell_checker_service")
# Provide a shell command service
# Automatic instantiation
class SpellClient(object):
A component that provides a shell command (spell.spell), using a
Spell Checker service.
def __init__(self):
Defines class members
# the spell checker service
self._spell_checker = None
def validate(self, context):
Component validated, just print a trace to visualize the event.
Between this call and the call to invalidate, the _spell_checker member
will point to a valid spell checker service.
print('A client for spell checker has been started')
def invalidate(self, context):
Component invalidated, just print a trace to visualize the event
print('A spell client has been stopped')
def get_namespace(self):
Retrieves the name space of this shell command provider.
Look at the shell tutorial for more information.
return "spell"
def get_methods(self):
Retrieves the list of (command, method) tuples for all shell commands
provided by this component.
Look at the shell tutorial for more information.
return [("spell", self.spell)]
def spell(self, io_handler):
Reads words from the standard input and checks for their existence
from the selected dictionary.
:param io_handler: A utility object given by the shell to interact with
the user.
# Request the language of the text to the user
passage = None
language = io_handler.prompt("Please enter your language, EN or FR: ")
language = language.upper()
while passage != 'quit':
# Request the text to check
passage = io_handler.prompt(
"Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit:\n")
if passage and passage != 'quit':
# A text has been given: call the spell checker, which have been
# injected by iPOPO.
misspelled_words = self._spell_checker.check(passage, language)
if not misspelled_words:
io_handler.write_line("All words are well spelled!")
"The misspelled words are: {0}", misspelled_words)
The component defined here implements and provides a shell command service,
which will be consumed by the Pelix Shell Core Service.
It registers a spell
shell command.
Main script: Launching the framework¶
We have all the bundles required to start playing with the application. To run the example, we have to start Pelix, then all the required bundles.
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Starts a Pelix framework and installs the Spell Checker bundles
# Pelix framework module and utility methods
import pelix.framework
from pelix.utilities import use_service
# Standard library
import logging
def main():
Starts a Pelix framework and waits for it to stop
# Prepare the framework, with iPOPO and the shell console
# Warning: we only use the first argument of this method, a list of bundles
framework = pelix.framework.create_framework((
# Shell core (engine)
# Text console
# Start the framework, and the pre-installed bundles
# Get the bundle context of the framework, i.e. the link between the
# framework starter and its content.
context = framework.get_bundle_context()
# Start the spell dictionary bundles, which provide the dictionary services
# Start the spell checker bundle, which provides the spell checker service.
# Sample usage of the spell checker service
# 1. get its service reference, that describes the service itself
ref_config = context.get_service_reference("spell_checker_service")
# 2. the use_service method allows to grab a service and to use it inside a
# with block. It automatically releases the service when exiting the block,
# even if an exception was raised
with use_service(context, ref_config) as svc_config:
# Here, svc_config points to the spell checker service
passage = "Welcome to our framwork iPOPO"
print("1. Testing Spell Checker:", passage)
misspelled_words = svc_config.check(passage)
print("> Misspelled_words are:", misspelled_words)
# Start the spell client bundle, which provides a shell command
# Wait for the framework to stop
# Classic entry point...
if __name__ == "__main__":
Running the application¶
Launch the main_pelix_launcher.py
When the framework is running, type in the console: spell to enter your
language choice and then your passage.
Here is a sample run, calling python main_pelix_launcher.py
INFO:pelix.shell.core:Shell services registered
An English dictionary has been added
** Pelix Shell prompt **
A French dictionary has been added
A dictionary checker has been started
1. Testing Spell Checker: Welcome to our framwork iPOPO
> Misspelled_words are: ['our', 'framwork']
A client for spell checker has been started
$ spell
Please enter your language, EN or FR: FR
Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit:
Bonjour le monde !
All words are well spelled !
Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit:
$ spell
Please enter your language, EN or FR: EN
Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit:
Hello, world !
All words are well spelled !
Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit:
Bonjour le monde !
The misspelled words are: ['Bonjour', 'le', 'monde']
Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit:
$ quit
Bye !
A spell client has been stopped
INFO:pelix.shell.core:Shell services unregistered
You can now go back to see other Tutorials or take a look at the Reference Cards.