EventAdmin service¶
The EventAdmin service defines an inter-bundle communication mechanism.
This service is inspired from the EventAdmin specification in OSGi,
but without the Event
It is a publish/subscribe communication service, using the whiteboard pattern, that allows to send an event:
- the publisher of an event uses the EventAdmin service to send its event
- the handler (or subscriber or listener) publishes a service with filtering properties
An event is the association of:
- a topic, a URI-like string that defines the nature of the event
- a set of properties associated to the event
Some properties are defined by the EventAdmin service:
Property | Type | Description |
event.sender.framework.uid | str | UID of the framework that emitted the event. Useful in remote services |
event.timestamp | float | Time stamp of the event, computed when the event is given to EventAdmin |
The EventAdmin service is implemented in pelix.services.eventadmin
as a single iPOPO component.
This component must be instantiated programmatically, by using the iPOPO
service and the pelix-services-eventadmin-factory
factory name.
from pelix.ipopo.constants import use_ipopo
import pelix.framework
# Start the framework (with iPOPO)
framework = pelix.framework.create_framework(['pelix.ipopo.core'])
context = framework.get_bundle_context()
# Install & start the EventAdmin bundle
# Get the iPOPO the service
with use_ipopo(context) as ipopo:
# Instantiate the EventAdmin component
'EventAdmin', {})
It can also be instantiated via the Pelix Shell:
$ install pelix.services.eventadmin
Bundle ID: 12
$ start 12
Starting bundle 12 (pelix.services.eventadmin)...
$ instantiate pelix-services-eventadmin-factory eventadmin
Component 'eventadmin' instantiated.
The EventAdmin component accepts the following property as a configuration:
Property | Default value | Description |
pool.threads | 10 | Number of threads in the pool used for asynchronous delivery |
EventAdmin service¶
The EventAdmin service provides the pelix.services.eventadmin
¶ The EventAdmin implementation
(topic, properties=None)¶ Sends asynchronously the given event
Parameters: - topic – Topic of event
- properties – Associated properties
(topic, properties=None)¶ Sends synchronously the given event
Parameters: - topic – Topic of event
- properties – Associated properties
Both send
and post
methods get the topic as first parameter, which must
be a URI-like string, e.g. sensor/temperature/changed
and a dictionary
as second parameter, which can be None
When sending an event, each handler is notified with a different copy of the property dictionary, avoiding to propagate changes done by a handler.
EventHandler service¶
An event handler must provide the pelix.services.eventadmin.handler
specification, which defines by the following method:
(topic, properties)¶ Called by the EventAdmin service to notify a handler of a new event
Parameters: - topic – The topic of the event (str)
- properties – The properties associated to the event (dict)
Events sent using the post()
are delivered from another thread.
It is unlikely but possible that sometimes the handle_event()
method may
be called whereas the handler service has been unregistered, for example
after the handler component has been invalidated.
It is therefore recommended to check that the injected dependencies used in
this method are not None
before handling the event.
An event handler must associate at least one the following properties to its service:
Property | Type | Description |
event.topics | List of str | A list of strings that indicates the topics the topics this handler expects. EventAdmin supports “file name” filters, i.e. with * or ? jokers. |
event.filter | str | A LDAP filter string that will be tested on the event properties |
In this example, a component will publish an event when it is validated or invalidated. These events will be:
The event handler component will provide a service with a topic filter that
accepts both topics: example/publisher/*
The publisher requires the EventAdmin service, which specification is defined
in the pelix.services
from pelix.ipopo.decorators import *
import pelix.ipopo.constants as constants
# EventAdmin constants
import pelix.services
# Require the EventAdmin service
@Requires('_event', pelix.services.SERVICE_EVENT_ADMIN)
# Inject our component name in a field
@Property('_name', constants.IPOPO_INSTANCE_NAME)
# Auto-instantiation
class Publisher(object):
A sample publisher
def __init__(self):
Set up members, to be OK with PEP-8
# EventAdmin (injected)
self._event = None
# Component name (injected property)
self._name = None
def validate(self, context):
Component validated
# Send a "validated" event
{"name": self._name})
def invalidate(self, context):
Component invalidated
# Post an "invalidated" event
{"name": self._name})
The event handler has no dependency requirement.
It has to provide the EventHandler specification, which is defined in the
from pelix.ipopo.decorators import *
import pelix.ipopo.constants as constants
# EventAdmin constants
import pelix.services
# Provide the EventHandler service
# The event topic filters, injected as a component property that will be
# propagated to its services
@Property('_event_handler_topic', pelix.services.PROP_EVENT_TOPICS,
# The event properties filter (optional, here set to None by default)
@Property('_event_handler_filter', pelix.services.PROP_EVENT_FILTER)
# Auto-instantiation
class Handler(object):
A sample event handler
def __init__(self):
Set up members
self._event_handler_topic = None
self._event_handler_filter = None
def handle_event(self, topic, properties):
Event received
print('Got a {0} event from {1} at {2}' \
.format(topic, properties['name'],
It is recommended to define an event filter property, even if it is set to
by default: it allows to customize the event handler when it is
instantiated using the iPOPO API:
# This handler will be notified only of events with a topic matching
# 'example/publisher/*' (default value of 'event.topics'), and in which
# the 'name' property is 'foobar'.
ipopo.instantiate('handler-factory', 'customized-handler',
{pelix.services.PROP_EVENT_FILTER: '(name=foobar)'})
Shell Commands¶
It is possible to send events from the Pelix shell, after installing the
This bundle defines two commands, in the event
Command | Description |
post <topic> [<property=value> [...]] |
Posts an event on the given topic, with the given properties |
send <topic> [<property=value> [...]] |
Sends an event on the given topic, with the given properties |
Here is a sample shell session, considering the sample event handler above has been started. It installs and start the EventAdmin shell bundle:
$ install pelix.shell.eventadmin
$ start 13
$ event.send example/publisher/activated name=foobar
Got a example/publisher/activated from foobar at 1369125501.028135
Events printer utility component¶
A pelix-misc-eventadmin-printer-factory
component factory is provided by the
It can be used to instantiate components that will print and/or log the event
matching a given filter.
Here is a Pelix Shell snippet to instantiate a printer and to send it some events:
$ install pelix.shell.eventadmin
$ start 13
$ install pelix.misc.eventadmin_printer
$ start 14
$ instantiate pelix-misc-eventadmin-printer-factory printerA event.topics=foo/*
Component 'printerA' instantiated.
$ instantiate pelix-misc-eventadmin-printer-factory printerB evt.log=True event.topics=foo/bar/*
Component 'printerB' instantiated.
$ send foo/abc
Event: foo/abc
{'event.sender.framework.uid': 'aa180e9b-bb45-4cbf-8092-d45fbe12464f',
'event.timestamp': 1492698306.1903257}
$ send foo/bar/def
Event: foo/bar/def
{'event.sender.framework.uid': 'aa180e9b-bb45-4cbf-8092-d45fbe12464f',
'event.timestamp': 1492698324.9549854}
Event: foo/bar/def
{'event.sender.framework.uid': 'aa180e9b-bb45-4cbf-8092-d45fbe12464f',
'event.timestamp': 1492698324.9549854}
The second event is printed twice as it is handled by both printers.
MQTT Bridge¶
Pelix provides a bridge to send EventAdmin events to an MQTT server and vice-versa. This can be used to send events between various Pelix frameworks, without the need of the remote services layer, or between different entities sharing an MQTT server.
The component factory, pelix-services-eventadmin-mqtt-factory
, is provided
by the pelix.services.eventadmin_mqtt
It can be configured with the following properties:
Property | Default Value | Description |
event.topics | * |
The filter to select the events to share |
mqtt.host | localhost | The host name of the MQTT server |
mqtt.port | 1883 | The port the MQTT server is bound to |
mqtt.topic.prefix | /pelix/eventadmin |
The prefix to add to events before sending them over MQTT |
Events handled by this component, i.e. matching the filter given at
instantiation time, and having the event.propagate
property set to any
value (even False
) will be sent as messages to the MQTT server with the
following modifications:
- the MQTT message topic will be the event topic prefixed by the value of the
property - if the event topic starts with a slash (
), apelix.eventadmin.mqtt.start_slash
property is added to the event and is set toTrue
- a
is added to the event, containing the UUID of the emitting framework, to avoid loops.
The event properties are then converted to JSON and used as the body the MQTT message.
When an MQTT message starting with the configured prefix is received, it is converted back to an event, given to EventAdmin. Loopback messages are detected and ignored to avoid loops.