.. iPOPO in 10 minutes iPOPO in 10 minutes ################### :Authors: Shadi Abras, Thomas Calmant This tutorial presents how to use the iPOPO framework and its associated service-oriented component model. The concepts of the service-oriented component model are introduced, followed by a simple example that demonstrates the features of iPOPO. This framework uses decorators to describe components. Introduction ============ iPOPO aims to simplify service-oriented programming on OSGi frameworks in Python language; the name iPOPO is an abbreviation for *injected POPO*, where *POPO* would stand for Plain Old Python Object. The name is in fact a simple modification of the `Apache iPOJO project `_, which stands for *injected Plain Old Java Object* iPOPO provides a new way to develop OSGi/iPOJO-like service components in Python, simplifying service component implementation by transparently managing the dynamics of the environment as well as other non-functional requirements. The iPOPO framework allows developers to more clearly separate functional code (*i.e.* POPOs) from the non-functional code (*i.e.* dependency management, service provision, configuration, etc.). At run time, iPOPO combines the functional and non-functional aspects. To achieve this, iPOPO provides a simple and extensible service component model based on POPOs. Basic concepts ============== iPOPO is separated into two parts: * Pelix, the underlying bundle and service registry * iPOPO, the service-oriented component framework It also defines three major concepts: * A :ref:`bundle ` is a single Python module, *i.e.* a ``.py`` file, that is loaded using the Pelix API. * A :ref:`service ` is a Python object that is registered to service registry using the Pelix API, associated to a set of specifications and to a dictionary of properties. * A :ref:`component ` is an instance of *component factory*, *i.e.* a class manipulated by iPOPO decorators. Those decorators injects information into the class that are later used by iPOPO to manage the components. Components are defined inside bundles. Simple example ============== In this tutorial we will present how to: * Publish a service * Require a service * Use lifecycle callbacks to activate and deactivate components Presentation of the Spell application ------------------------------------- To illustrate some of iPOPO features, we will implement a very simple application. Three bundles compose this application: * A bundle that defines a component implementing a dictionary service (an English and a French dictionaries). * One with a component requiring the dictionary service and providing a spell checker service. * One that defines a component requiring the spell checker and providing a user line interface. .. image:: /_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spellchecker_arch.svg :align: center :alt: Service hierarchy :scale: 100% The spell dictionary components provide the ``spell_dictionary_service`` specification. The spell checker provides a ``spell_checker_service`` specification. Preparing the tutorial ---------------------- The example contains several bundles: * `spell_dictionary_EN.py <../_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spell_dictionary_EN.py>`_ defines a component that implements the Dictionary service, containing some English words. * `spell_dictionary_FR.py <../_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spell_dictionary_FR.py>`_ defines a component that implements the Dictionary service, containing some French words. * `spell_checker.py <../_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spell_checker.py>`_ contains an implementation of a Spell Checker. The spell checker requires a dictionary service and checks if an input passage is correct, according to the words contained in the wished dictionary. * `spell_client.py <../_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spell_client.py>`_ provides commands for the :ref:`Pelix shell service `. This component uses a spell checker service. The user can interact with the spell checker with this command line interface. Finally, a `main_pelix_launcher.py <../_static/tutorials/spell_checker/main_pelix_launcher.py>`_ script starts the Pelix framework. It is not considered as a bundle as it is not loaded by the framework, but it can control the latter. The English dictionary bundle: Providing a service -------------------------------------------------- The ``spell_dictionary_EN`` bundle is a simple implementation of the Dictionary service. It contains few English words. .. literalinclude:: /_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spell_dictionary_EN.py :language: python :linenos: * The ``@Component`` decorator is used to declare an iPOPO component. It must always be on top of other decorators. * The ``@Provides`` decorator indicates that the component provides a service. * The ``@Instantiate`` decorator instructs iPOPO to automatically create an instance of our component. The relation between components and instances is the same than between classes and objects in the object-oriented programming. * The ``@Property`` decorator indicates the properties associated to this component and to its services (*e.g.* French or English language). * The method decorated with ``@Validate`` will be called when the instance becomes valid. * The method decorated with ``@Invalidate`` will be called when the instance becomes invalid (*e.g.* when one its dependencies goes away) or is stopped. For more information about decorators, see :ref:refcard_decorators. The French dictionary bundle: Providing a service ------------------------------------------------- The ``spell_dictionary_FR`` bundle is a similar to the ``spell_dictionary_EN`` one. It only differs in the ``language`` component property, as it checks some French words declared during component validation. .. literalinclude:: /_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spell_dictionary_FR.py :language: python :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 14,18,20,31-40 It is important to note that the iPOPO factory name must be unique in a framework: only the first one to be registered with a given name will be taken into account. The name of component instances follows the same rule. The spell checker bundle: Requiring a service --------------------------------------------- The ``spell_checker`` bundle aims to provide a spell checker service. However, to serve this service, this implementation requires a dictionary service. During this step, we will create an iPOPO component requiring a Dictionary service and providing the Spell Checker service. .. literalinclude:: /_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spell_checker.py :language: python :linenos: * The ``@Requires`` decorator specifies a service dependency. This required service is injected in a local variable in this bundle. Its ``aggregate`` attribute tells iPOPO to collect the list of services providing the required specification, instead of the first one. * The ``@BindField`` decorator indicates that a new required service bounded to the platform. * The ``@UnbindField`` decorator indicates that one of required service has gone away. The spell client bundle ----------------------- The ``spell_client`` bundle contains a very simple user interface allowing a user to interact with a spell checker service. .. literalinclude:: /_static/tutorials/spell_checker/spell_client.py :language: python :linenos: The component defined here implements and provides a shell command service, which will be consumed by the Pelix Shell Core Service. It registers a ``spell`` shell command. Main script: Launching the framework ------------------------------------ We have all the bundles required to start playing with the application. To run the example, we have to start Pelix, then all the required bundles. .. literalinclude:: /_static/tutorials/spell_checker/main_pelix_launcher.py :language: python :linenos: Running the application ----------------------- Launch the ``main_pelix_launcher.py`` script. When the framework is running, type in the console: **spell** to enter your language choice and then your passage. Here is a sample run, calling ``python main_pelix_launcher.py``: .. code-block:: none INFO:pelix.shell.core:Shell services registered An English dictionary has been added ** Pelix Shell prompt ** A French dictionary has been added A dictionary checker has been started 1. Testing Spell Checker: Welcome to our framwork iPOPO > Misspelled_words are: ['our', 'framwork'] A client for spell checker has been started $ spell Please enter your language, EN or FR: FR Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit: Bonjour le monde ! All words are well spelled ! Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit: quit $ spell Please enter your language, EN or FR: EN Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit: Hello, world ! All words are well spelled ! Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit: Bonjour le monde ! The misspelled words are: ['Bonjour', 'le', 'monde'] Please enter your paragraph, or 'quit' to exit: quit $ quit Bye ! A spell client has been stopped INFO:pelix.shell.core:Shell services unregistered