.. _refcard_init_config: .. module:: pelix.misc.init_handler Initial Configuration File ========================== The ``pelix.misc.init_handler`` module provides the :class:`~InitFileHandler` class. It is able to load the configuration of an iPOPO framework, from one or multiple files. This configuration allows to setup environment variables, additional Python paths, framework properties, a list of bundles to start with the framework and a list of components to instantiate. File Format ----------- Configuration files are in JSON format, with a root object which can contain the following entries: * ``properties``: a JSON object defining the initial properties of the framework. The object keys must be strings, but can be associated to any valid JSON value. * ``environment``: a JSON object defining new environment variables for the process running the framework. Both keys and values must be strings. * ``paths``: a JSON array containing paths to add to the Python lookup paths. The given paths will be prioritized, *i.e.* if a path was already defined in ``sys.path``, it will be moved forward. The given paths can contains environment variables and the user path marker (``~``). Note that the current working directory (*cwd*) will always be the first element of ``sys.path`` when using an initial configuration handler. * ``bundles``: a JSON array containing the names of the bundles to install and start with the framework. * ``components``: a JSON array of JSON objects defining the components to instantiate. Each component description has the following entries: * ``factory``: the name of the component factory * ``name``: the name of the instance * ``properties`` (optional): a JSON object defining the initial properties of the component Here is a sample initial configuration file: .. code-block:: javascript { "properties": { "some.value": 42, "framework.uuid": "custom-uuid", "arrays": ['they', 'work', 'too', 123], "dicts": {"why": "not?"} }, "environment": { "new_path": "/opt/foo", "LANG": "en_US.UTF-8" } "paths": [ "/opt/bar", "$new_path/mylib.zip" ], "bundles": [ "pelix.misc.log", "pelix.shell.log", "pelix.http.basic" ], "components": [ { "factory": "pelix.http.service.basic.factory", "name": "httpd", "properties": { "pelix.http.address": "" } } ] } Moreover, if the root object contains a ``reset_`` entry, then the previously loaded configuration for the ```` entry are forgotten: the current configuration will replace the old one instead of updating it. For example: .. code-block:: javascript { "bundles": [ "pelix.http.basic" ], "reset_bundles": true } When this file will be loaded, the list of bundles declared by previously loaded configuration files will be cleared and replaced by the one in this file. .. _init_conf_lookup: File lookup ----------- A :class:`~InitFileHandler` object updates its internal state with the content of the files it parses. As a result, multiple configuration files can be used to start framework with a common basic configuration. When calling :meth:`~InitFileHandler.load` without argument, the handler will try to load all the files named ``.pelix.conf`` in the following folders and order: * ``/etc/default`` * ``/etc`` * ``/usr/local/etc`` * ``~/.local/pelix`` * ``~/.config`` * ``~`` (user directory) * ``.`` (current working directory) When giving a file name to :meth:`~InitFileHandler.load`, the handler will merge the configuration it contains with its current state. Finally, after having updated a configuration, the :class:`~InitFileHandler` will remove duplicated in Python path and bundles configurations. Support in Pelix shell ---------------------- The framework doesn't starts a :class:`~InitFileHandler` on its own: it must be created and loaded before creating the framework. Currently, only the Pelix Shell Console supports the initial configuration, using the following arguments: * *no argument*: the `.pelix.conf` files are loaded as described in :ref:`init_conf_lookup`. * ``-e``, ``--empty-conf``: no initial configuration file will be loaded * ``-c ``, ``--conf ``: the default configuration files, then given one will be loaded. * ``-C ``, ``--exclusive-conf ``: only the given configuration file will be loaded. It is planned that the support for initial configuration files will be added to other shells in future iPOPO versions. API --- .. autoclass:: InitFileHandler :members: clear, load, normalize, instantiate_components, bundles, properties Sample API Usage ---------------- This sample starts a framework based on the default configuration files, plus a given one named *some_file.json*. .. code-block:: python import pelix.framework as pelix from pelix.misc.init_handler import InitFileHandler # Read the initial configuration script init = InitFileHandler() # Load default configuration init.load() # Load the given configuration file init.load("some_file.json") # Normalize configuration (forge sys.path) init.normalize() # Use the utility method to create, run and delete the framework framework = pelix.create_framework(init.bundles, init.properties) framework.start() # Instantiate configured components init.instantiate_components(framework.get_bundle_context()) # Let the framework live try: framework.wait_for_stop() except KeyboardInterrupt: framework.stop()